I’ve had two great days in a row, and if I was and optimist I’d say that a few more are on the way. I’m about due, don’t you agree? The whole reason I started this diary was because I was having more bad days than I knew how to cope with. Talking about things that irked me made them legitimate and tangible in a way. I’m not just some raving mad woman, I am a woman with a story and I have found an empathetic audience. Thank you!
Here are some highlights from the past couple of days…
Friday–Children’s Day: The University puts on this annual event for children of staff, faculty, and students. I volunteered and corralled a group of 5 through 8 year olds. We learned how animated Claymation films are made! I have a newfound appreciation of Wallace and Grommit. The kids drew their own two-frame cartoon and were quite impressed by their talents. We also went to the touch tanks at the Marine Science department. I’ve never been a touchy-feely person, but it was nice to be around a group of kids that don’t mind being tactile with slimy and spiky creatures! I practically adopted a small child after he gave me a hug for no good reason other than doing my job and helping him out. My six-month review isn’t until June, but I don’t care what my bosses say. Kids know what’s up, and they dig me. I concluded the afternoon with a Carb Fest by the lagoon. Linda, my favorite Irish gal, egged me on to eat more than my fair share of sugar. The wee lass bested me by eating twice as much.
Saturday–Fragrance Festival: Latte Lady and I are nursing our perfume hangovers right now. I’ve got an actual cocktail in my hand—The Pink Fairy’s concoction of Ruby Tangerine and Vodka—while Latte Lady is probably sleeping it off. I have enough perfume samples to last me a lifetime! I feel totally decadent though—I already have a list of scents I’d like to add to my collection—Magnetism by Escada, Musc for Her by Narciso Rodriguez, and London by Paul Smith (for The BF). Since I can’t afford the whole fragrance counter, I settled on one favorite for myself and one favorite for a worthy Gal Pal (who just so happens to have a birthday coming up!). To give our noses a reprieve, Latte Lady and I lunched at the Nordstrom Café. It was fantastic fabulous!
There was not a glitch to speak of these past few days, and not a complaint uttered by these lips! Let’s see how long this lasts…I promise I’ll be a good girl!
Currently playing: Gabarge, Run Baby Run