The Legend of Etilia, the Bloody Vampirate

Once upon a time there was a little girl who wanted to grow up and be a pirate.  She wanted a parrot and a rad ship so she could sail around the world.  Like most children, however, she was indecissive.  She also liked to pretend she was a vampire.  Her family humored her and allowed her to nap in her toy chest that she considered her coffin.  The older she grew the clearer it became that she didn’t have to choose between the two.  Being a pirate is really a profession, but being a vampire is a lifestyle.  (Technically it’s an unlifestyle, but nevermind.)

Anyhow, Etilia, the Bloody Vampirate, is my resident graphics fiend and is responsible for giving my Buffy and Angel DVDs a good workout after collecting some dust since their last use.  When she’s not busy bouncing around her flat and being creative, she’s entertaining her cats.  One of them thinks she’s a parrot!  Cats can apparently sense what their owners want to be when they grow up!

Once again, thanks to my vampirate  for making my diary all shiny again!


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3 Responses to The Legend of Etilia, the Bloody Vampirate

  1. Sarakastic says:

    My dog thinks he’s a cow. I don’t know what he thinks of me. Not exactly the same thing, but the vampirate has crazy design skills.

  2. Notorious M.A.G. says:

    I love the line about sleeping in the toy chest. Etilia you are wonderful! 🙂

  3. neridra says:

    That’s one awesomely rad legend of an awesomely cool vampirate! 😀

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