That Heart of Yours

Hi!  I only have fifteen minutes to write before I can officially bolt out the door and meet Latte Lady for drinks. Woo hoo!  As an extra treat after drinks, I’m going to watch the greatest love story of all time–Pride and Prejudice!

But let us be serious for a moment and consider this crazy thing called love.  Mary Schmich said, “Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts.  Don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.”  It’s an easy enough concept to understand, but why is it such hard advice to follow?  I guess that’s the universal struggle.  It’s easy to just accept crumbs of affection and so very hard to demand more; but don’t forget that Maureen Dowd said, “The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.”

And on that note, be happy and love much!


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AKA National Girl Friday Day

Today is our day ladies (and gentlemen)! It’s the one-day of the year that our bosses feign love and adoration for their right hand people. Okay, so some of us are luckier than others and are appreciated throughout the year.

My wish for you, my fair friend, is a lovely day where your inbox is miraculously empty, your desk is spotless, the phones are quiet, and stupid comments are kept to a minimum. I don’t think that’s too much to ask!

Since I can’t be with you to make your day special, let’s pretend! Oh how I love my fictional world!

We’d start the day at 10 AM not 8 AM—because we need our beauty sleep! After we were sufficiently pampered by with a massage, facial, mani/pedi and had our hair and makeup done, we’d meet for lunch! Our lovely lunch would be at some swanky place like Hotel Gansevoort in New York City. We’d sit poolside and chat about our latest dalliances with important people and our escapades to chic places. After we tired of the magnificent views and hot waiters, we’d go shopping! We’d hit the requisite places like Bloomingdales in SoHo, Louis Vuitton, and Sephora. On our way to Pastis for our late afternoon cappuccino, we’d hang out with Helena (Christensen that is—we’re on a first-names basis) at her store Butik and try on some vintage Danish dresses. After rubbing elbows with the tragically hip we’d gather up our spoils and head back to the hotel for cocktails! Martinis in hues of the rainbow and precious bite-sized foods would float past us on trays and we could sample each and every one. We’d remain only buzzed and giddy, never crossing the line into dramatically drunk. Every fabulous Superheroine would join us at the party! Sometime around 4 AM we would stumble into our plush beds and sleep the deep slumber of women who have the day off from work.

That’s my version of the perfect Administrative Professionals Day.  I love it, no matter how unrealistic.  Cheers!

Currently playing:  Björk, Hidden Place


Posted in Goodies | 2 Comments

Better Days

Sometimes life isn’t fair, actually, most of the time it isn’t.  As if we aren’t already weighed down by the enormity of living life, the passing of a life touches us, grips us; the only solace is the simple act of holding on and holding out for better days.

Grief sits on your chest, threatening to steal every breath, pushing every tear to the brink.  It is a futile effort to deny grief from running its course.  You don’t have to bear it all on your own.  That’s the thing about friends you can’t afford to forget—just as we relish sharing in your joys, we support you in your times of sorrow.

For two souls departed…live on in a place where better days are endless.

Currently playing:  Tori Amos, Toast


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