Insert Cliché Here

Who knew I could find inner-peace in Björk lyrics?  She said it best in 1993’s Human Behaviour, “…there’s no map and a compass wouldn’t help at all.”

Everyday I search for the next destination in life, but sometimes I am blind to the beauty of the pit stops.  For the first time in my life I had a good day at work.  I kept the distractions to a minimum, I delved into the piles of paperwork, and I made headway.  I think sometimes I’m too busy anticipating what’s up next to appreciate the satisfaction I get from doing my job well.

Instead of feeling a sense of indignation at work because there is so much to do and you’re the only one who can do it, let pride take over and realize that you’re the best at something, no matter how small or inane.  We hardly give ourselves credit for the good we do, and too often we beat ourselves up for falling short of our lofty goals.  I look at my life and think, “I know where I should be,” but even if I had that compass—I don’t think I could get there.
The frustration I feel and let take over my thoughts is like driving with the parking break on.  I get sluggish and throw a pity party when my words aren’t right and I break my own promises.  I need to learn to let it go, and let motivation take over instead.  I want to be on that open road, throwing caution to the wind, going full speed ahead; after all, it’s about the journey—not the destination.

Currently playing:   Tori Amos, Sweet The Sting


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Daughter Does a Diary

The ‘rents made a house call this weekend. I don’t get to see them often, and for once we spent more time getting along than fighting. Of course there were touch and go moments when the topics of marriage, home buying, and employment were discussed. I guess that’s to be expected though. All three subjects are rife with expectation and disappointment.

Things I learned during their visit:

I’m definitely my mother’s daughter. I am a shopaholic. For the first time I could actually keep pace with her and not just stand idly with one dinky item. I added a slew of new t-shirts to my burgeoning collection. My mom also bought me my birthday presents a little early this year! She outfitted me head to toe in Banana Republic. I’m going to be so smug in my chino blazer, tank top, ice blue cardigan, and cargo shorts. Full retail will do that to you…

I’m also my father’s daughter. I think with my stomach. While we were ordering breakfast my dad would ask what we were having for dinner. It really does make a difference to people like us. You wouldn’t want to order steak and eggs for breakfast if you were going to a steakhouse for dinner, right! I picked thoughtful foods and I could tell he appreciated it. He even ordered chocolate cake for dessert, even though he claims he doesn’t like chocolate…

I am lucky. Even though we bicker, get our messages crossed, and can’t decipher each others’ meaning, I still have pretty cool parents. It’s nice being a daughter a few weekends a year; it beats being an office wench, that’s for sure.

Currently playing: Tori Amos, Sleeps With Butterflies


Posted in Life, Ships, Shopping, Travel | 1 Comment

Easter Eggs

Good morning and happy Easter!  I apologize for the lack of posting, but I’m a tad busy entertaining the ‘rents.  I guess I’m too old to hunt pastel Easter eggs and wear a pretty pretty dress?  I’ll have to settle for Eggs Benedict, jeans, and a stroll downtown.  Happy Hunting!

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