Just Like Bridget Jones

I’ve been hard at work every night trying to come up with something witty to say to you, but the best things I could think of were poignant at best, and sanctimonious at worst. A while ago my mother asked me how I managed to be funny, and the thing is…I’m not really. I just find myself in ridiculous situations and laughing seems to be my best solution. I painted vivid pictures for you with my trusty thesaurus. That formula worked well for a while, but I found that I used humor as an excuse to write. If I couldn’t be funny, then I didn’t want to write at all. But I can’t pick and choose my passion. I have to be faithful to it, hold steadfast to my dreams, and put action behind my words. Instead of looking for excuses to write (or not), I want reasons to write.

I write because I must. I write because I am happy, sad, hungry, angry, in love, and brokenhearted. I write because I am alive and it is the only endeavor that that has given any meaning to my life.

Life is about curves, not straight lines. We have to learn to adjust, be flexible, and ultimately be willing to take big risks. I could be less of who I really am and hide behind cheap laughs, or I can be honest, clumsy, and free. This is a diary, after all.
Currently Playing: Tegan and Sara, I Won’t Be Left
So Jealous.jpg

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The Moment I Wake Up, Before I Put On My Makeup

In the morning I strive for beauty.  No matter how tired I am or how much I’d like to just roll out of bed, I always take a shower and perform my rituals in artistry. It’s my daily chance to get a good look in the mirror.  I see who I am.  I am my own window into who I once was and who I will become.  The stroke of brushes and the play of light and shadow remind me that like Ruby Dee, “The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within—strength, courage, dignity.”

I look good, because I am good.  It isn’t vanity and it isn’t self-importance.  Like all Superheroines, I wake up wanting to put fourth my best possible self.  Though sometimes I am afraid my work has very little meaning, I pay close attention to the details, I do it right, I offer my assistance to ease the burdens of those around me, and I smile at strangers because kindness does wonders for the soul and the skin.

It’s easy to forget about rainbows and roses when we are tucked away in bleak offices and dark rooms.  But you don’t have to look hard for beauty.  It’s outside your window, in words we speak and write, in things we taste and touch, and in the mirror staring back at you.  You just have to remember to look.

Currently Playing:  Philip Glass, Metamorphosis 1-5

Posted in Life, Quotes | 1 Comment

Not Too Hard for a Superheroine

There are so many things I mean to do that never seem to get done.  I have no excuses.  I keep saying that I’m going to read the classics, reorganize my closet, finish a scrapbook, and clean the silverware drawer.  Yet, I find an infinite number of things to do that seem more important—like watching the entire first season of Grey’s Anatomy on DVD, researching the minutia of tartans, and bitching about nothing in particular to anyone willing to listen. I hope I’m not the only one so far behind on the personal betterment to-do list.  Why do we make decisions against our better judgment? What am I supposed to learn from this (non) experience?

I berate myself and commiserate with you, but all the while there are small things we do everyday that are extraordinary that I’m sure we underestimate.  Today I managed to write for seven minutes during lunch after Latte Lady left to go back to work.  Those are seven minutes I could have easily spent mixing the perfect shade of lip-gloss or doing something equally inane.  I guess there are small victories for which to be grateful.

Tomorrow I vow to be a more disciplined office goddess, a health-conscious consumer, a well-informed citizen, and maybe a little less self-deprecating.  I don’t hold myself to unreasonable standards, I swear.

Currently Playing:  The Wreckers, The Good Kind


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