I Used to be the Smart One, Sharp as a Tack

It’s a lazy Sunday, so I thought I’d regale you with something silly. Apparently the one office I didn’t temp at won the second place video award for You Tube–The Office Promo contest! It’s quite a sight. Check it out at NBC.

Here is a look back at some of the highlights of temping:

  1. I usually worked within a few miles of home, so not having the crazy 17-mile drive was a big plus!
  2. I felt a lot less guilty about goofing off at work.  On the other hand, I didn’t always have access to Internet or freedom to see the sites I like.  Life’s always about trade offs!
  3. I was usually the smartest person in the room, or at least the most charming.  Working at a university, I am almost never the smartest…but sometimes I think I’m the cutest!
  4. My bosses ran the gamut of crazy to kind, but sometimes I’d meet a gem and they’d buy me giant Vanilla Lattes (the quickest way to my heart) or laugh at my jokes.
  5. I dressed up for work!  I used to wear all my cute clothes.  Now I work at a place populated with students in pajamas or few clothes at all (some are on the way to the laundry room, others are walking around in tiny bike shorts…) so I tend to dress down, too.
  6. My life was Dave-free.  I didn’t come home everyday with some story about my coworker that I share an office with.  I’m even sick of this dude’s name.
  7. I could write at work because the work I was doing was so simple a trained chimp could do it—maybe even a trained chump.  I still do write at work, but usually it’s for this lovely little diary.  I used to fill up notebooks with stories, and I really miss that.
  8. I miss being close to delicious eateries!  I never get to eat at my favorite sushi place, except on days when I really don’t care about work and decide to face the consequences of taking an almost two hour lunch.  I miss pastries and local coffee shops.  I’m a Starbucks girl now because of proximity, not by choice.
  9. Sight seeing on my lunch hour is pretty hard since my office is kind of remote.  I used to love having lunch at the Rose Garden.  I’d go up and down the rows smelling Barbra Streisand, Cinderella, and Voodoo.  The only thing I get to smell now is the pungent aroma of skunk and fresh cut grass.
  10. My wit used to be so sharp.  It had to be, I used it like a protective coat of armor.  It kept me from taking life too seriously, and helped me keep my chin up.  I’m becoming comfortably numb, and that scares me!  Did I tell you that I have two Cathy notepads on my desk that I swiped from the supply closet?  The fact that I can relate makes me a little more than depressed!

That’s enough reminiscing for now. I’m still not quite where I want to be, but I think I’ve got some learning to do yet before I’m be ready to move on to bigger and better.

Posted in Goodies, Life, Office Stories, Random | 3 Comments

I Am Broadcasting, Are You Receiving?

The Diary of Girl Friday turns one year old today.  I want to thank you all for reading my nonsensical musings on life, work, dreams, drama, and writing.  Thank you for your patience when I’ve fallen out of touch, but most of all, thanks for coming back for more.  You all are just a glutton for a punishment, aren’t you?


To The Pink Fairy, who consistently checks to see if I’ve updated (even though you have it on RSS Feed).

To Lucky 10-Key, who asks when the next post will be up, and though you don’t say much about it, I know you’re reading and that makes me smile.

To Notorious M.A.G., for being so encouraging and laughing along with me, never at me.

To Latte Lady, for getting many, if not all, of my crazy references.

To the some odd hundreds of visitors I’ve gotten over the last year, don’t forget to say hello every once in a while! You found me through random links or stumbled upon me when you searched for a myriad of things including, but not limited to:

Dominatrix (Only in my spare time.)
Diary of a girl down my street (Knock it off, perv!)
Helena Christensen (We’re like this, I tell you!)
Butik (I’m going to write Helena a letter and tell her to get a damn website!)
Definition of a girl Friday (Please see here.)
Pleather pants wear in California (This is a fashion no-no, and I in no way support this wardrobe decision.)
Bitchiness (My reputations precedes me.)
Superheroine in chocolate machine (Mmm, yum!  I should create this, no?)
Lisa Loeb Snow White Skirt (Sounds cute—maybe The Pink Fairy could make you one?)
Girl stories (I am a girl!  I write stories!)
Payroll for dummies (Check Amazon?)
How to be charming (It’s not something you can learn, honey, it’s just something you are!)
Real men of genius mr. hot dog contest contestant (WTF?)

Progress Reports…

It’s been a year.  What has changed for you and I?

The Gal Pals and I have new jobs, switched careers, or are in the midst of applying and interviewing right now.  I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!  Some of us have moved to new cities or bought a house, some of us are just moving on, but never just moving along.

I’m writing more than I ever have before, my wrists can attest to that.  I’ve learned that life is a series of ups and downs, and right now things are looking up.  You can’t get what you want unless you ask for it.  I like clichés.  Actually, I heart them.

But seriously, I think the world has infinite possibilities for you and I.  Sometimes I’m the first person to hang up the streamers for the pity party, but today I feel so proud of The Diary of Girl Friday.

Thanks for reading, biotch 🙂

P.S.  You didn’t think that just because today is practically a holiday that I would lay off The Dresden Dolls’ lyrics for my titles, did you?

Posted in Announcements, Life, Ships | 3 Comments

All The Things I Can Get Done

This morning I really wanted to call in sick. I wasn’t actually sick, but I just didn’t feel mentally well enough to face a day at the office. But yesterday was the (second) summer session move-in for students, and I knew the office would be crazy. I didn’t want my coworker to have to be in the office alone. Plus, my supervisor is out, and you can’t count on directors to do grunt work. So I rallied my spirits and got going, despite my desire to stay in bed. I sent an e-mail a half an hour before work to let my coworker know I’d be late. Even in my irresponsibility, I’m nothing if not polite. To my surprise, when I got to work I discovered my coworker had called in sick. I got stuck doing his work—move-in is his responsibility, not mine. I was just being courteous in offering to help. Payroll, personnel records, timekeeping, travel, and special projects are my responsibilities. I never ask him to do my work, and I certainly don’t call in sick when payroll is due because I know people depend on me to get paid. I spent nine hours at work and crossed nothing off my list. Frakking fabulous. I’ll be trying to catch up all week.

The worst part about being so busy is that it doesn’t give me any time to goof off. I didn’t get to play a round of MASH with Lucky 10-Key, or even chat with Notorious M.A.G. when she called with spoilery goodness. As reported at E! Online…Kiele Sanchez, Anne of the defunct show Related, has found gainful employment. Lucky biotch is going to that dangerous island and gets to stare at lots o’ hotties. I may have to start watching the show again. Kiele (we’re on a first name basis) is also in In Style Weddings this month. She looks gorgeous and made me want to go home and play with makeup!

I was up way too late last night. On the plus side I found tons of wicked pretties at Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. The Pink Fairy got the link as an early morning present. All day long I’ve been forgetful and a little slow at responding to things. I’m dehydrated but I keep forgetting to drink water. Lucky 10-Key sent me an e-mail early this morning and I barely managed a five-minute conversation on my way to a meeting at 1:30 in the afternoon. (Unacceptable! Usually we write e-mails like we’re playing ping-pong.) I really hope that being the best darn Administrative Superheroine pays off.

Oh, and I may have an addendum to my future memoir. My newest coworker helped name this chapter of my life: Odd Jobs. What do you think?

Posted in Goodies, Life, Office Stories, TV | Leave a comment