A Test of Your Intelligence and Zest for the Counter-productive

When I should be sleeping I’m up drinking a Diet Coke and making lists of things and thoughts:

1. I was raised in a household that believed there was nothing tackier than not sending thank-you notes. (My mother and aunt are still waiting for cousin Julie to send a thank-you from her wedding that took place four years ago this August. Julie now has a one year-old little girl, so I think the chances of her catching up on thank-yous is slim to nil.) There are all sorts of rules and protocol to being the perfect hostess and polite guest. Always serve guests first—we didn’t subscribe to the common ritual of serving the first slice of cake to the birthday person. Never allow guests to “help themselves.” A meal is not dinner unless the table is set properly and everyone has a cocktail napkin. As a guest in someone’s home my mother taught me to offer assistance with preparation and clean-up. I say please and thank you, and graciously accept anything that is offered, whether I like it or not—from pickled okra to instant coffee. I send thank-you cards for every gift I get, and have been known to send a thank-you note to a certain family friend who doesn’t give gifts, but attends our annual Christmas party. I don’t want her to see that I’ve sent cards to all the other families simply because they gave me something material, so I send her a thank-you for attending and being a lovely guest. I owe a couple of you a thank-you…
Despite my apparent manners, I have too much spunk for my own good. I spent Saturday evening at the BF’s house and teased his seventeen year-old brother relentlessly. I could barely contain my incessant eye rolling whenever his parents said something stupid. It took a lot of effort, I tell you.

2. I’ve been thinking about cars a lot lately. Mostly because mine is falling apart and I either need to buy a new car or buy new tires, like…yesterday. I admit I’m easily influenced by pop culture—and no, not with commercials, but by my favorite TV characters.
For example, I think the new Toyota FJ Cruiser is cool. I love the vintage Landcruiser that Sydney drove in season 1 of Alias, and since I don’t want to spend a fortune at the mechanic’s I’ll settle for something newer. I’m also considering the new Jeep Compass because Jeep is a name you can trust. In fact, Lorelai Gilmore is one of the best endorsements I’ve seen. If that’s not enough to convince me then maybe The Dresden Dolls’ “Jeep Song” is. Notorious M.A.G. is on the hunt for a black Lebaron (pronounced Lé Barón) because she wants to be just like Veronica Mars when she grows up! I’m even considering a convertible VW Beetle because Mac is my hero, Chloë has one, too (and Brooke can ride these two girls’ coat tails of coolness, I suppose). I saw some stupid ass trying to parallel park his big white Hummer yesterday and laughed like a mad woman, but of course I love Starbuck’s old beat up Humvee (and I’m sure she can parallel park that sucker on the first try). Another car on my radar is the VW Jetta. It got the number one safety rating and it served as an excellent get-away car on Roswell. Okay, that’s enough talk about cars and TV characters for now…

3. I went to see Pirate of the Caribbean 2 tonight. It was long and lacked Keira Knightly looking wistfully off into the distance. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. There were lots of ganky men covered in barnacles instead. There was only one scene with Orlando Bloom shirtless. I’m not sure if the two-second flash was worth $8.75.

4. I obviously don’t want to go to work tomorrow. Can you tell? It’s 1:30 AM. Do you know where your Administrative Goddess is?

Posted in Life, Listmaking, Random, TV | 2 Comments

Girl Getting Bitterer

A laundry list of divergent topics abound:

1.  I was asked to join a professional association with the dubious distinction of being for women.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to be asked to join anything, especially since they aren’t making me their recording secretary, but I’m a little weary of the whole thing.  To have an association that recognizes you for doing your job, almost seems a little absurd.  I also don’t think giving someone a rinky dink award for going above and beyond their job description is ethical—they should get a raise or a promotion!  My coworker won said award this year, and really, the department owes her more than a luncheon and a plaque.  I feel like it is some bureaucratic way to pacify women at very little expense.  Maybe I’m just cynical…

2.  I really am going to hell for this one…Why do people keep naming their kids effed up names?  I have two cousins whose names are spelled suspiciously close to a fish and a Korean car.  I have family friends who named their son something that rhymes with a video game console, and a coworker that’s planning on naming his kid the same name as my favorite sushi restaurant.  Check out Name Voyager and see how popular your name has been in the past century.

3.  Who needs a little black dress when you can wear your PJs to The Office, to hang out in The OC, and strut with Heidi on the Runway?  Apparently this is news to people over at ARS Technica who wrote Plasma is a girl’s best friend?  But of course!  The bigger the TV, the more vivid my dreams about being rich and famous become!  Perhaps that’s why Lucky 10-Key and I are entertaining illusions of grandeur? 

4.  I’m still completely obsessed with The Dresden Dolls.  I’m still completely sad that I missed seeing their concert.  I’m probably going to be referencing their songs non-stop, so get used to it.  I advise that you find out what I’m talking about.  My newest coworker–shall we call her Davie?–knows who they are so her coolness factor went up ten points.  (But I may have to subtract ten points because she’s a Dave Matthews groupie.  I have nothing against the man or the band, but I was once ditched by a friend on my birthday so she could see them in concert–and she didn’t even like their music!)

5.  Aside from my love for Dolls, I am a bluegrass queen.  It says so over at Last FM

6.  Why, oh why am I so random?  Why can’t I just stop expounding on nothingness and do work like a normal person?  Oh yeah…I’m not normal.  I’m your Superheroine of Small Offices Everywhere. 

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More Smittener Than Ever Before

Breaking news: We made it to the Amoeba Music performance and it was so worth the headache of driving and parking in the city. The Dresden Dolls did not disappoint. They played Sex Changes, Mrs. O, Mandy Goes to Med School, Coin Operated Boy, Half Jack, and three covers (my memory fails me at this moment). I guess you’d call their performance Dresden Dolls Lite or maybe even Diet Dresden Dolls. It was a pretty clean show, which bummed me out because I heart the raunch. I’m grateful that I got a taste of the stuff, but it’s a little bittersweet. Amanda announced that Margaret Cho will MC their show in London this fall. If I could just win the lottery…

In other events: This evening Lucky 10-Key took me to have dinner at Bing Crosby’s. The service was questionable, but I’m learning to roll with the punches (there have been so many this weekend, I’ve lost count). I drank a Greta Garbo martini and had Crab Louie. Delish. The creepy waterboy asked us if we wanted a private tour of the wine room. (Doesn’t that sound like a euphemism for something sinister?) Lucky muttered under her breath that she left her pepper spray at home. I countered with saying that I’ve watched plenty of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I could certainly slay one gangly loser. I’m glad it didn’t come down to that, however. We left the restaurant without incident…
So now Lucky 10-Key and I are dorking out at her apartment instead of hanging out at a rock concert. We’re lounging around in our pajamas playing on our laptops. Even though we haven’t seen one another in months, we talk everyday (send e-mails incessantly and play MASH) so we’ve pretty much exhausted all suitable topics. Any suggestions?

Posted in Life, Random, Ships | 4 Comments