This Ship Has Not Sailed

Rain is coming down in sheets and I’m beginning to wonder if I should start a Balsa Wood Club so we can craft an arc.  I’d love to escape on a boat and travel around the world.  I could surf azure waves, and not the internet all day long.  I’d have wind tousled hair and smell of salt and ocean breezes.  I would cease to be Superheroine of Small Offices Everywhere.  I would be Superheroine of the High Seas!

I am the Captain of my humble domain only.  I can hardly manage to keep it clean and organized, so I can’t imagine the trouble sails, ropes, and pulleys would give me.  My work is stagnant and stationary, not floating on the crest of adventures.  I never imagined I’d envy a seafaring career, but the thought of the nautical deck wear is quite enticing!

Seriously though, I find myself thinking the most random thoughts.  Some days I really think the grass is greener on the other side.  I wonder how I got where I am (in this mess) and wonder about the endless possibilities.  Tomorrow I could be a painter, a sailor, a firefighter, or a farmer.  That’s the thing about imagination—there are undiscovered worlds in its plunging depths and infinite wonders upon the horizon.

Currently playing:  Morcheeba, The Sea


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Simple Things Like Milkshakes and Girl Power

When I was little I couldn’t wait to be big. The world of adults was intoxicating. I listened in on my parents’ conversations and treasured each new story like a gem. My elephant memory began to develop, and even as my head fills up with more and more useless information, I can still recall precious things only a child could see.

I sat quietly, observing the things they found so entertaining. My first big vocabulary word was conniving when I was three. I managed to sit on the couch and watch Dallas without being sent to bed. I learned to love accents after hearing Downtown Julie Brown on MTV while my mother ironed.

After visiting home and seeing friends and family, I ache for that simpler time. Being a kid meant sleepovers, jogathons, selling candy for field trips, and building a homecoming float. Being young meant seeing friends and spending more than an hour and half together. I want to sit on the grassy knoll and talk for hours with Notorious M.A.G., The Pink Fairy, and English Diva, while making daisy chains and waiting for my mother’s white Cadillac to appear. I want to go to the Science Fair–or even the May Dance–and then sulk over a milkshake with Lucky 10-Key. I want to watch 90210 without realizing that 27 does not look like 17. I want The Spice Girls to never be out of style.

Mostly, I want to have that time back so I can savor the things I rushed through or didn’t appreciate enough. If I wish hard enough, maybe it will come true. Tomorrow will not come, and I will be nine years old. I’ll put on my favorite Esprit outfit, and ride the bus to school. I won’t be at the office. I won’t be someone’s secretary. I’ll be the smart girl watching everything and everyone. I’ll commit every remark and exchange to memory. I’ll vow silently never to forget a moment or a feeling, so I can always remember what it was like to be little.

Currently Playing: Maria Taylor, Leap Year


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Fool For Shoes

I went on my first unadulterated shoe-shopping extravaganza at my favorite shop in town. This giant discount shoe store has rows and rows of strappy sandals, funky athletic trainers, demure flats, and sexified stilettos. It’s shoe heaven. I’ve made trips there over the past year, but nothing is more depressing than shopping on a meager budget. Today the stars aligned—I just got my (third) paycheck from a steady job and the store was stocked for spring!

I am now the proud owner of the cutest kitten heels ever. They look like Rockstar Barbie shoes! I also bought a pair of wedge sandals reminiscent of Grecian beaches…not that I’ve been to Greece, so I’ll have to ask Latte Lady about that next time I see her. For a modicum of practicality I also threw in a pair of Mocc-Loafers.

After a dry spell, I’m back to my old ways as a shoe whore. Cobblers beware! Keep your leather sling-backs, ballet flats, and clogs locked up, because I’m on the prowl for the perfect pair!

Currently playing: The Cure, Let’s Go to Bed


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