Girl Friday Makes a List

I have this major urge to shop ‘til I drop, or at least shop until buyer’s remorse sets in.  Some Gal Pals don’t have that curse, but I do.  All my time temping taught me to forgo frivolity and live off the basics—it was my Transcendentalist phase.  Don’t worry. I’m over it.
Below is a list of all my must haves.  If you are a true friend, you will help me pare it down.  (Because really, I don’t think I actually need all this stuff.)

1. Perfume:  I’m going to a Fragrance Event at Nordstrom with Latte Lady and I couldn’t be more stoked for it.  I’ve pre-purchased the gift bags and I’m sending one to The Pink Fairy!  My favorites right now are Cast A Spell by Lulu Guinness, Euphoria by Calvin Klein, Butterfly by Hanae Mori, and Pink Sugar by Aquolina.
2. Shoes:  I don’t know where to start.  I need some flats for work, some sexy heels, and some Converse because I can’t believe I don’t have any in my closet right now!
3. Music:  I can’t wait for the new Dresden Dolls album to come out!  I also have a craving for the new Fiona Apple CD and Alison Krauss’ latest Grammy-winning album.

After getting all these items down on a list, they don’t look so bad.  I can’t wait to get my shop on!  Being gainfully employed does have its perks.

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All the Cool Kids Are Doing It

All the cool kids are hanging out in The Diary of Girl Friday Forums!  Talk smack about your favorite Superheroine, Girl Friday, and meet the Gal Pals.  Don’t forget to vote in the poll in the Announcements section! 

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Smarter Ladies Than Me

Colette said, “What a delight it is to make friends with someone you have despised!”
Julia J is almost my BFF now. I have undeniable likeability. She may claim to dislike all things cool, but she made an exception for me!

Georgia O’Keeffe said, “The days you work are the best days.”
I am working hard at writing every day, so of course, these have been some of the best days I can remember. The struggle of going to work makes my time writing for you and for myself so much sweeter.

You may remember the song Wear Sunscreen if you graduated from high school in 1999 like many of my Gal Pals and I did. That wise woman, Mary Schmich, responsible for the #1 hit also said, “In 20 years, you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you an how fabulous your really looked.” After my weekend with The Pink Fairy, I am sure it is true. We took a lot of pictures–the kind where we hold the camera by ourselves and smoosh our heads together to fit in the frame–and right now all I see is two twenty-four year olds with unsatisfying jobs attempting to break into two cut-throat industries. I’m not sure about the whys, whats, and hows, but in 20 years I’ll let you know!

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