Would You Rather?

After our game of MASH on Friday, Lucky 10-Key and I played a few rounds of Would You Rather.  Here are some of the (rather telling) results:

Girl Friday:  Would you rather drive and park in New York City without a map or be the passenger?

Lucky 10-Key:  Umm, this is a tough one.  Passenger I guess??

GF:  Would you rather dye your hair platinum blonde or shave your head?

L10K:  Shave my head.

GF:  Would you rather stay at your current job forever (like until you retire, with no chance of promotion or a raise) or quit with no notice and no plan and set out on a crazy adventure with only the money in your pocket and the clothes on your back?

L10K:  Crazy adventure, for sure!  I’ve been thinking about that lately anyway!  Europe here I come!

L10K:  Would you rather give up watching TV or listening to music?

GF:  You wench!  TV.  How would I have a soundtrack to my life without music?

L10K:  Would you rather live without sunglasses or Chapstick?

GF:  Sunglasses.  I’d become Vampire-like and only come out at night, and I’d have nice lips to boot!

GF:  Would your rather redo your whole life knowing what you know now and be able to make different choices our redo your whole life knowing nothing at all and taking the chance that things could turn out different for better or for worse?

L10K:  Redo my life with the knowledge I have now.  I think if I were to start over with nothing, I’d make the same mistakes.

L10K:  Would you rather give up all your material possessions to gain peace of mind OR give up peace of mind to gain everything you could possibly want materialistically?

GF:  Material possessions for peace of mind–I’d be so at peace I wouldn’t care that I have nothing.

L10K:  Would you rather streak once across a football field at a crowded game or wear itchy, uncomfortable clothes all day, every day, for a year?

GF:  Streak! 

So the results are in and scores have been tabulated.  Girl Friday and Lucky 10-Key are officially the best employees ever!


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The Reunion of Trixee and Skittles and Your Daily Affirmation, Too!

Before I was Girl Friday, I was Trixee.  Before there was a Pink Fairy, there was Skittles.  In a moment of fifteen year-old silliness we were branded with these naughty, coquettish names.  We haven’t been Trixee and Skittles–the pair–in a long time.  In fact, we’ve spent the majority of our friendship apart.  But miles, oceans, and desert terrain haven’t stopped us from being right there for one another.  This weekend all the stuff in between will be traversed, and we’ll be Trixee and Skittles for three and half days!  Oh the mischief we’ll get into!  Instead of Pepsi fueling our rambunctious energy, it will be vodka, chocolate, and homesickness.  When I say homesickness, I don’t mean that we miss home exactly, but the vast depth of meaning behind the word home

We couldn’t believe it then, when we were scratching at the cage and aching to get out, that we’d look back and appreciate the angst and simplicity of being a teenager.  Our woes are complex now, the consequences likely to impact us not just today, but twenty years down the line, like an endless ripple effect.  We used to worry about pants that may or may not have made us look fat, but now our days are consumed with that exact same thought plus a million more—will I get fired for punching my boss? did I really go to college for this? after stapling so many pages, when does my stapler officially become Golden? what does the phrase making ends meet meat really mean? who am I? am I good enough?  I don’t have most things figured out just yet, but I find comfort in the fact that I have all my Gal Pals to prop me back up when I’ve been knocked down on my ass. 

During the chaos of our twenties and beyond, I think it’s important to remember who we were–and that even at our most awkward and ridiculous–we were loved.  If we were good enough then, then we must realize that we are good enough now.  So…question everything you can and never settle for substitutes, but also never doubt that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at any given moment.

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MASH Made in Heaven

To pass the time at work today, Lucky 10-Key and I have been playing MASH.  We ended up with pretty fabulous lives.  Check it out: 

Lucky 10-Key will marry Matthew Fox and live in a luxurious Italian apartment with their three kids.  She’ll drive to work every day in her Range Rover and design original fashions. 

Girl Friday will marry Dave Grohl and he’ll sing her sweet music in their London home.  She’ll drive their three kids around in her vintage Jaguar and keep her company as she writes best-selling novels.

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