Not It

Remember when you were a little kid and and you played the game of Not It?  Whoever could shout out first, “Not it,” was…well, not it.

But what was it, anyway?  Many times it meant you got out of doing something you disliked and the task fell on someone else’s shoulders.  Years later,  I’m still the kid who is it, who is too slow to proclaim Not It first, the responsible one who does not shirk duty or blame.

I worked with the web developer today.  We found the root of my problems with my department’s website.  He did the best he could and even admitted that the things that were wrong were the designers’ fault and not mine.

So for once, I’m vindicated, I didn’t ruin the layout, it was bad to begin with.  I am decidedly Not It.  But I won’t gloat or tell the truth to my bosses.  What would be the point?  The designers are gone now but they were beloved in my department.  They’re like Mary Poppins—practically perfect in every way—and I’m just the one who replaced them.  So their dirty little secret of badly written source code will remain between me, the web developer, and the great wide inter-web.

Posted in Office Stories | 1 Comment

Head Banger

I’m having one of those days where I just want to bang my head up against the wall.  I wouldn’t want to mess up all the knowledge I’ve gleaned over the years by making my brain a pile of goo, but then I’d have an excuse for not being able to update my department’s website.  It sounds like a pleasant solution at the moment.

I compare web developing to flying a plane.  If your boss said, “I need you to fly this plane.  Go to this class for two hours, and then come back and pick me up in the plane around 5 PM.  I’m counting on you,” you’d think he or she was bonkers.  And yet this is what my boss is asking me to do.  Everyone is counting on me to fix the website.  I told them I was confident I could do it when I interviewed—but that was when I was under the impression there’d be some sort of lessons and support.  What I have gotten was a useless class and a jumble of duplicate web files that lead me down a rabbit hole…

I am not a quitter.  I hold on to the bitter end of things, and usually I come out okay.  But this job, this project, Dreamweaver, this website, is playing a game of chicken with me and I’m afraid I’m going to be the loser.  The thought of not mastering this frightens me.

Also, my other looming project is the department brochure.  I cannot locate the file (everyone claims it is here, but I have searched and searched to no avail) so I may just have to start from scratch.  The newsletter also needs to get produced.  And like I don’t have enough thorns in my side reminding me, but today some salesman (and I use man loosely since he was all of 22) dropped by the office and tried to flirt his way into a printing deal.  I couldn’t believe how he batted his eyelashes at my student clerk and tried to charm me with his talk of price breaks and mad printing skillz.  Whatever, dude.  Your cheap cologne and exposed chest muscles may work in some places, but I work in Women’s Studies and I see right through your ridiculous ploy of using your sexuality to make sales.  You hussy!

Posted in Clichés, Office Stories | 2 Comments

Backlog Blog

It’s been a while since I had a minute to catch my breath. I took a sick day, because well, I’m sick…but not too sick to blog!

On August 12 this diary celebrated it’s second birthday. I forgot to throw it a party, but I swear I’m going to bake my blog a cake or buy it something shiny. I love writing about nonsense, and I’m lucky to have some kickass readers. You’ve all made this interweb feel like a really small world. Thank you! A special thanks to Sarakastic who crowned me a Rockin’ Girl Blogger.


Now I just need to pass it on…that post is forthcoming! Thank you!!!!!

In other news, my parents graced me and the BF with a visit last week. It was a bit of a surprise, but at the same time not. The summer seemed to run away and my dad had planned to help us redo our counter tops, so before they had to head back to work they decided to make run down here. It took longer than expected. They were here working from Sunday ’til Thursday. Unfortunately the BF and I couldn’t take any time off, so they had the run of the flat while we were off earning the bacon. Our counter tops are now a nice faux stone and our old counter tops (a fabulous lemon yellow with yellow and turquoise boomerangs) are gone!

During my parents stay I managed to revert to a five year old. I fell in the parking lot at work and banged up my knees, hands, and chin. Girl Friday is smooth. NOT. I drove home and tried to find something to laugh about other than me, a grown woman, falling in public. My mom gave me banana and cleaned me up. Talk about embarrassing. I tripped over a piece of candy that was littered, but lately my ankle has been hurting me and it’s the same one I twisted during my vacation, so I may need to have it looked at. Maybe it’s still a bit strained.

By Friday I was exhausted and hobbling around, but I managed to succumb to some nasty allergies. There is a fire burning in the mountains and the ash just descends constantly. It’s like snow, only it irritates my lungs and airways so all I do is sneeze and cough. So um…not like snow at all, really.

There was a point to this post, I swear. What I learned from my fall was that I’m not really present in my life. I’m a multi-tasker. Right now I’m listening to the new Tegan & Sara while blogging, my roomba is vacuuming, and I’m chatting online. Maybe I’m doing too much at once. Maybe we all are. I think gravity exerting it’s awesome power on me is supposed to be a little bit of a wake-up call. I need to look up every once in a while, see what I’m doing, see what surrounds me, be conscious of the things I’m saying and doing. I need to stick to my plan…I need to have a plan. The likelihood of me mainstreaming my life is pretty slim (who can these days!?), but I’d like to make more of an effort or at least take a few minutes a day and just…BE.

That is all. Go forth and be beautiful and happy!

Posted in Announcements, Homegirl, Life | 3 Comments