Performance Anxiety

I had my midpoint evaluation this past week, granted I’m already five months in to my six-month probation…technicalities. When my boss mentioned that she needed to talk to be about my performance, I started to panic. I’m generally a good employee, but I can’t help but feel (just a little) guilty for my tardy arrivals, the way I breeze in and out of the office for coffee breaks and long lunches, and the fact that my in box has felt spectacularly empty these last few weeks.

It turns out that I worked myself into a frenzy over nothing. My review was pretty darn shiny. I think I might even get it to sparkle in time for the obligatory end-of-probation evaluation. There are only a few things left in my job description that I have not taken on, and as it is, I’m already the go-to girl for new assignments and over-flow work from the other offices in my unit. I suspect that my supervisor appreciates every contribution I make to the office because it means she has more time to read the paper, plan vacations, and peruse IMDB. I certainly don’t begrudge her time spent IMDBing—I love a good round of Six Degrees!

Job permanence strikes me as odd because for so long it was the one thing I boasted about not having and not wanting. Now I almost have it, but I’m not sure I want it and I know for sure it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I’m grateful for it, nonetheless, because it means I can start planning my financial future (gasp!). Buying a house (ok, a one bedroom condo), going on vacation, and driving a new car are all plausible now.

Sometimes—and by that I mean several times a day—I wish things could go back to the way they were. I loved the simplicity of being a free spirit trying jobs on for size, a badass that served up a healthy dose of sarcasm with every flick of her stapler, a nomad who traveled the length of the state and cross country more than once to hang out with the elite and carefree. Now my life is regimented by hours and minutes—I wake up after six hours of sleep no matter how tired I am, I walk in ten minutes late no matter what time I leave my apartment, I can’t master a 30-minute meal to save my life, and nine hours is far too long to go without feeling fulfilled.

But at least I’m writing again. I guess that’s something. I’ve missed our little chats.
Currently playing: Gnarls Barkley, Crazy


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My Farcical Originality

I have been troubled recently by some comments from friends and coworkers regarding my vocabulary.  Apparently they think I’m highfalutin because I toss around words like wretched and horrid instead of bad, but all that proves is I adore  I’m not even that great of a speller (I had to look up thesaurus).  Speaking of spelling, one of the kiddies at the after school program my department runs fell in love with the word pulchritude after hearing it in Akeelah and the Bee.  When it was her turn to sprinkle the other kids with a thoughtful wish, she wished them all pulchritude…in short she wished them all great beauty.

Another consensus among my peers is that I’m wise, but I’m here to tell you that I’ve been watching Oprah since I was 9 and I’m a quote-hound.  I’m not really that smart or knowledgeable, but I am a good listener and sometimes I get on my high horse and condescend to give advice.  The other day Nancy K. cried because of her jackass of a boyfriend’s inability to be emotionally available.  I pointed out the correlation between his remote mountain location and his fickle demeanor.  It struck a chord with her and it seemed to put things into perspective.  She went on to explain that she’d asked him repeatedly to open up and even after he promised to change, he never followed through.  I channeled Dr. Phil and told her that, “When someone shows you who they are–believe them.” 

It’s hard to deal with the image I’ve created in my likeness–one of confidence and empathy, and superiority of mind.  In essence I’m just me…Girl Friday, Superheroine of Small Offices Everywhere…I’m just a girl trying to live.  I haven’t had great adventures or experienced trials and tribulations.  Who am I to be a sage?   

In my heart I’m just a small town girl who likes to read, dream, and write.  In my imagination I’ve walked fields of heather in the English countryside, I’m a space cowgirl, I’ve danced a pas de deux, I’m a romantic/tragic/comedic heroine, I’m the lead, I’m the star.  I have lived several lives vicariously and I’ve stolen the best bits.  I keep them in my pocket like great one-liners and pull them out as needed in front of tough crowds.  It’s all just smoke and lights.

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Feeling the Burn

It’s frakking hot in my office. I am miserable and an iced coffee from Starbucks can only do so much. From rain on Saturday to hot wind and 92 degrees…I can’t take it! I need time to adjust. I’ve never been so happy that the university is a casual work environment. I fully intend to exercise my right to wear flip-flops to the office. But I’ll stop short of laying out on the (extensive) grounds–it’s one thing to be a bikini clad resident, and quite another to sunbathe whilst your coworkers go about their daily business. The good news is that tomorrow it’s supposed to be in the 70s. Santa Barbara 70s is perfect weather…don’t you all wish you were here with the tan surfers and the cross-country runners in their shirtless glory? The views are spectacular! And I haven’t even mentioned the islands and the mountains and the lagoon…

I sat out on a bench during my lunch, letting the wind whip my hair into a perfectly tousled coif. My cheeks feel a bit more than sun kissed–I’ll have to remember to up the SPF application. Twenty-five is too young for permanent sun damage. I’m so happy the weather has cleared up! It means iced tea, accidental tanning sessions, and watermelon on the patio.

Who’s up for a visit?

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