I Heart Motown

Motown is the kind of place you can only appreciate after you’ve moved away.  I always thought it was the most boring place to live, but I’m beginning to see it through new eyes.  These are a few of my favorite things about my fair city that I miss when I’m away:

1. My neighbor’s house with the topiaries:  I love the deer family, the ducks, swan, bunny rabbit, and teddy bears.  As soon as the rain clears, I fully intend on taking pictures!
2. The neighborhood grocery store:  I was spoiled with the nicest supermarkets before I was old enough to appreciate them.  Now I have to shop at an Albertson’s that doesn’t even have a bakery!  Don’t keep me from my French bread, people!
3. Neon lights:  Nothing announces that I’m home quite like the neon lights on every storefront.
4. My house:  Living in a wide-open space has its perks.  My bedroom is spacious and our pool actually has water in it, not bougainvillea like at my apartment complex.
5. Landmarks:  There are so many places around town that represent a memory with a Gal Pal—my favorite lunch spot with Notorious M.A.G., English Diva’s doughnut drive-thru, that infamous Starbucks that Lucky 10-Key and I frequented, and the scenic routes I’ve driven with The Pink Fairy.
No matter where you’re at, this hometown girl is wishing you Water, Wealth, Contentment, Health.

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Sorry for the delay in posting!  Count Add It Up as yesterday’s post because I owe you another one for today!

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Add it Up

Life and work seem to be an inextricably complicated series of equations.  It’s our job as Superheroines to do the math and make everything balance, figure out what x stands for, and show our work.  I was never meant to be a mathematician, but I have the uncanny ability to do practical math in my head faster than it takes me to get out a calculator.  I’m a nerd about percentages, but you would be too if you loved a sale as much as I do!

Armed with these precious skills, I attacked a huge math problem on the Leave Accrual Reports yesterday.  It was a task that I had been putting off all month.  I sensed that delving into fifteen months worth of someone else’s mistakes was going to be daunting.  I spent almost six hours trying to right wrongs, only to have my boss suggest simplifying the solution.  In other words, she wanted me to knowingly short-change another coworker her vacation time that she earned fair and square.  Doris’ willingness to take shortcuts never ceases to amaze me.  I explained that in good conscience I could not go along with her (ill conceived) plan.  I feel a sense of accountability when it comes to my work.  My name and my word mean a great deal to me, so when I sign-off on something, it is guarantee that the work is accurate and complete.

I may never have been the best at math, but I never cheated my way through it, and I always provided work with my answers.  At the end of the day, I need to believe that my struggle adds up to more than the sum of its parts.

Currently playing:  Tegan and Sara, I Know I Know I Know

So Jealous.jpg

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