Party People

I expect Monday morning to be fraught with last minute party planning and nagging remarks from my coworkers who will pretend to be put out. It is Dave’s birthday, but no one told me the office tradition of celebrating birthdays until this afternoon. So, I will be running around under false pretenses trying to set up his surprise party that will take place at 10:30 AM.

How did the new girl get roped into this mess?
I’ll tell you how…Jake passed the buck to me. He casually mentioned Dave’s birthday, but I had no idea how the office treats these milestones. Jake then proceeded to tell me I should put the event together. He half-offered to pick up the cake, then later CC-ed me and reassigned that job to me, as well.

Suzie Q was kind enough to offer her assistance. At 9 AM we are heading to Costco to pick up the necessities. Mind you, I have no idea what Dave likes (is he a freak about sweets?). I do know he eats bricks of tofu for lunch and doesn’t use eggs when making banana bread. Do you think they sell wheat-free cakes at the Costco bakery? It’s not likely, so hopefully Dave will be a good sport and choke down the sugary cake I plan on serving.
My biggest fear is that Dave will plan my birthday party! The horror! We’ll end up eating some disgusting concoction resembling neither cake nor pie.

Currently playing: Tori Amos, Cloud On My Tongue


Posted in Office Stories | 1 Comment

Vacation Is All I Ever Wanted

Friday marked the first day of spring break for the university. Students wished me a nice time, and I thanked them. (I don’t get the week off, but I’m hoping the office will be very slow.)

When I was in college I never had an eventful spring break. I’d visit my family, sleep in, catch up with a few friends, but I was never a girl-gone wild. Sometimes I stayed at school and worked. I never went anywhere fun and acted young and stupid. It makes me sad. Maybe spring break is a rite of passage like prom–and what do you know–I missed that too. I have no regrets though. I was too poor in college to afford a nice trip, and I’m way too much of a priss to rough it or share a room with eight other girls and their one night stands.

With some money in my pocket now, I might actually start doing that thing called travel. I’ve been pretty fortunate so far, even when I was marginally employed. For two summers in a row I impersonated a socialite in New York with Lucky 10-Key. We were the smiling girls from California, and the talk of the party when Luck 10-Key’s cousin snapped photos of us with his paparazzi camera. This summer though, I’ll actually have to vacation—like—in reality! There will be no fabulous Manhattan apartment, and certainly no Hamptons party pad complete with pool, spa, and Mercedes convertible. Most likely there will be road trips to visit family and friends in various parts of the state. And if I’m a good girl, there will be a trip to Texas to visit The Pink Fairy.

So for now I’ll save my pennies for my European holiday, my tour of Asia, my African safari, and my Latin American sojourn. I promise to enjoy the sights in my hometown, appreciate the time spent with loved ones, and take a good look at the Golden State.

Currently playing: The Go-Go’s, Vacation


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A Character Study

For 8 hours a day I am confined to my office with the following kooky coworkers:

Doris: As my supervisor she is in charge of delegating most of her work to me. She has been kind enough to order me things like a nameplate, nametag, company shirt, business cards, an ergonomically correct chair, and new-fangled computer accessories. I can’t complain too much about her, after all, she is a fellow IMDBer. I never let on that I know what she’s up to, and hopefully she’ll do the same for me.

Jody: Director and mid-life mom. She’s a busy woman and has yet to find out that I’m equal parts troublemaker and angel.

Theo: Assistant Director and all around kind man. He is meticulous and generous. He posts sage advice on our intra-office website and buys me fatty foods. What’s not to love?

Shirley: Assistant Director and baker extraordinaire. This woman has aspirations of baking perfect pastries and bounteous bread. Let’s just hope she brings in lots of samples!

Dave: Coworker and rocker-hopeful. We spend inordinate amounts of time together and I try very hard sometimes to pretend I can’t see him. It’s nothing personal. Sometimes I just need Girl Friday time, and I can’t help it if I crave it most when I’m on the job.

And in the adjoining offices…

Lauren: Coworker and fellow scarf junky. She likes the office set at a toasty 72 degrees. I just wish I had more of a reason to hang out in there.

Jake: Coworker with a pension for phrases like Couples Yoga and Raw Foods. He hearts Prince just a little too much, and someday soon I suspect he will show up in a Raspberry Beret.

Nancy: Coworker and soon-to-be medical student. Too smart for stapling, that’s for sure. I’ll miss her when she’s gone!

Sara: Coworker and probable “lifer.” She’s a great girl to work with—dedicated and knowledgeable—but I don’t get a sense that she has dreams. How does she get up in the morning? I vow to find out more. I have to believe there is something beneath the surface.

Nancy K: When she’s not busy caring for the next generation, she’s breaking bones while doing triple-triple combinations on the ice. A great lunch date and a treat to talk to during a rough day.

Suzie Q: Long lost Mouseketeer? I think so! She’s all about the real OC, laughing at my jokes, and offering enough respite for me to make it through the week.

Julia J: Has one of the most awkward love stories to tell! She was a wedding crasher (sort of) and had two brothers fighting over her, their sister hating her before the first date took place, and the groom’s brother running a distant third. If I hadn’t forced her to open up, I would have continued hating her and her scrawny arms.

Posted in Introductions | 1 Comment